FridayLab's Blender Starter Kit
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This is FridayLab's Blender Starter Kit project files
*** The files were created in Blender 3.4.1 ***
This course will contain 24 lessons, some of which are still under production
Purchasing these project files supports our effort to bring you the most fun and effective way of learning
As well as showing us that you take your learning process seriously and that you have decided to practice as well as listen to the lessons.
Learning should be a fun and joyful experience!
Blender is Free and Open Source Software
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This tutorial is part of the Blender Starter Kit series, Created by FridayLab.
Starter kit full syllabus:
- Interface: Quickly understand Blender interface logic.
- Navigation: Learn how to navigate in the 3D space ( literally )
- Viewport Shading: Overview the different shading modes, and when to use them
- Manipulate Objects: Learn how to select, move, rotate, and scale objects by solving a puzzle.
- Outliner & Visibility: Keep track of objects in your scene.
- Transform Tools: Learn how to manage many objects at once.
- 3D Cursor & snap: Use a portable pivot point to make your work easier.
- Objects: Get familiar with the different types of objects in Blender.
- Parenting: Learn how to manage hierarchy and relations between objects.
- Edit Mesh: Change the shape of a Mesh object by editing its vertices, edges, and faces
- Join ,separate & Origins: Mange the objects Data.
- Edit Mesh tools: introduction to Modeling tools.
- Edit Mesh Actions: Crucial actions that we use when modeling.
- Modifiers: Use Non-Destructive Modeling Workflow.
- Apply: Object ≠ Data Tip that can ease your pain.
- Mesh Normal's: Understand how the direction of Mesh Faces affects the shading process.
- Animation: Make objects move using key-frames in the Timeline and the Graph Editor.
- Render Engines Blender: pack with tri render engines - Workbench, Eevee and Cycles. lets understand how's good for what.
- Camera & Output: Overview of Eevee & Cycles render engines and how to set up your Cameras.
- Lights: Adjust the parameters of light objects to create the desired lighting effect.
- Materials: Creating new Materials and understanding the different parameters in the shaders.
- Textures: Use images to detail your materials with Shader Nodes
- Mapping Uv's: Unwarp translate 2D images to 3D space
- Mapping generate: learn Non-Destructive methods for shading Workflow.
you'll get access to all the class practice files